Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thoughts on the Gulf Disaster

It is strange to me that as I begin telling the story of "Feral Fables" which is so interconnected with hurricane Katrina, that another disaster in the Gulf has hit and with far more ferocity. I am sickened by the fall-out from this oil spill. I am moved to tears watching the pictures on the news showing the state of the wildlife or the devastating losses of the people who live there. It is a disaster of global proportion. My heart-felt prayers are offered to all.


blankh said...

The current Gulf of Mexico oil spill is so horrendeous! I dont believe everyone knows that this spill will effect everything! I am also saddened about the aquatic loss of life as well. All Bp/the government cares about is making more money and not really caring about the effects of loss of life or replenshing the environment. How many spills is it going to take before someone takes serious action. I know the president has a lot on his plate and I dont even know how this situation will play out. I wish we could all stop using oil and make all the gas companies go belly up. We defintely need to find alternatives for our energy consumption! Love you Debra!


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