Monday, June 28, 2010

In the beginning.......there were cats!!

In August of 2005, when Katrina was destroying the entire Gulf Coast, I was flat on my back awaiting yet another back surgery. I was horrified by what I saw and yet felt so helpless. I could not jump in a car and drive down there to lend support. I could not go to my local church or shelter and pack-up boxes and load them on trucks. I could not stand on my feet all day and serve food to those doing heavy labor. I could give some money, but not a lot in the over all picture of things. I felt pretty helpless. I had my surgery which then involved wearing a hard brace for 3 months and then going through 3 or more months of therapy. One day, not long after I came home from the hospital, when my cleaning lady was at the house (something I have had to have for many years due to my back problems-not because I'm rich!) she called upstairs to me, "Debra----did you know you have a family of cats out here on your deck?" I certainly did not!! I slowly came downstairs to investigate this situation. There on the deck was a beautiful black and snowy white mother cat with her 5 kittens. It was starting to get really cold here in Wisconsin and I knew then......this was something I could do. I could feed and care for these cats. I could not save the Gulf Coast, but I could maybe save the lives in my backyard........That was the beginning of Feral Fables.


blankh said...

Debra This is my 1st blog attempt. What a pleasure to meet you and join forces to help the feral cats in our community. I hope by the new WHS rules that more people will be able to join forces and get education out to curb the over population that exists. Keep up the great work that you have been and continue to do. The community needs more people like you !

Heidi B


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