Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth!

It is hotter than hell here in Wisconsin today. One of those humid summer days we get because of our proximity to Lake Michigan. One of those days I wish we had central air.....yeah, we are living in the dark ages here with only a window air conditioner for the bedroom. We live  in a house with radiator heat so the installation of central air would be big bucks. It is interesting now that I have cats that everything gets turned into what I call "cat value." For instance-----central air......the cat value of that could be 10 emergency room trips......for the cats that is. Or central air could be a lifetime supply of flea medication, vet trips or so many toys I wouldn't be able to keep track, and so on. I never thought I would see things in this way, but the cats have become very close to my heart and I basically would do and have done anything for them. They are miserable in this heat today as well-------they are slow, lazy, lethargic. Not even too hungry. They deal with the heat by finding the large hosta plants and other bushes in my yard and curling up under them for the afternoon until the heat of the day passes (that is Jingle in the photo). They are so well hidden that even I can't always find them when I want to.



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