Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Last 3 Weeks

Things have been quiet around here for the most part. No ER trips recently------We have been having very mild, dry weather for this time of year and I think all of us Wisconsinites have been enjoying it as much as possible as we know what winter tends to have in store for us. Today there is very high wind so all the leaves and garden debris is being whipped around all over the neighborhood.

The other evening I had a moment or two of worry, looking for Kibble. Kibble is always around.......she stays either in the house or very near by so that when I call she comes running. Well after returning home from a small shopping trip, I left both of the garage doors open as I brought in a couple of light bags of groceries. Usually we try to keep the cats out of the garage for various reasons, but that night I didn't bother. Awhile later, I found myself noticing that I hadn't seen Kibble in over an hour. I hunted around the house, hitting all of her sleeping spots, but she was not in any of them. Then I called for her repeatedly outside, but she did not come running. I had a sick moment of panic---------I looked out to the street-----thank God, there was nothing there. I was worried because about this time last year she was actually trapped by a neighbor down the block and I found her at Animal Control, quite by luck.

About the time I was really beginning to panic, I looked out to the yard again and happened to glance at the  small door of the garage. It has a window about 4 feet off the ground. Well-----there, in the window, I saw a little head peeking out! Kibble had been closed in the garage and now she was literally hanging on the trim around the window so I would see her face in the window! It was the funniest sight (not to her I'm sure.....). She has been locked in the garage before, so you'd think she'd learn. Ha!! You'd think I'd learn!

That's all for today!



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