Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Month from Hell!!!


It is no surprise that I have not been able to keep up with blogging with all that has happened around here in the last month. In early November "Hunter" came home with an injury to his front right paw. I wasn't sure what it was as I saw no bleeding or scratches, but upon examination at the emergency vet service (the receptionist knows me by name now when I come in the door) it was found that he had a bite wound. As always with bite wounds, there is a very high risk of abscess with any bite. His was infected and required a cleaning and the placement of a drain for three days. He had to be crated during this time, but took it in stride pretty much. He was allowed out in the house when supervised, but not outside until fully healed.

On the day he was being taken in for stitches to be removed, I decided to remove his "e-collar" so it would be easier to get him in the carrier. Unfortunately the collar was not easy to un-hook and Hunter got freaked out by all the movement around his face. When I finally removed the collar and went to pet him, he reacted with a bite to my hand. OK....... I probably deserved that (from his standpoint) but it made me feel dejected for a while.

I have been bitten before........it is part of dealing with animals in the wild....... so I knew to wash it right away and apply antibiotic salve. Unfortunately, I could tell within minutes that I needed to go to the doctor for antibiotic medication. The clinic got me in right away because they know cat bites can get nasty fast. So the doctor prescribed the pills and I  was on my way to the drug store. Then I took Hunter to the vet to have the stitches removed. Driving home with him, I noticed that my hand was hurting more and more and was getting redder and more swollen by the minute. I marked my hand with a marker so I could see how fast the red area was spreading. To make an already long story short, after three calls to the Doctor and a visit to an Urgent Care, I was driven (quite madly) by my friend Heidi to St. Mary's ER where I was admitted and remained for 4 days on IV antibiotics.

What basically happened was I developed cellulitis from the bite which spread across my hand and halfway up my forearm before receding completely. It was a little un-nerving to say the least, but it kind of goes with the territory. Since I was bitten before I already have had the rabies series and tents shots. (Rabies shots are not all that bad any longer.) I should have used more caution. Cats that have come from off the street have an unknown history. We do not know what may have happened to them and so they can sometimes behave unpredictably. I had previously noticed that Hunter is uncomfortable with motion around his head or body. If I walk past him, he may perceive that as threatening. So it is no surprise really to me in hind site that he bit me. What I learned----------never remove an e-collar again-------use sturdy gloves when interacting with cats who are injured and hurting.

Now if this was not enough, two days after I got home poor "Jingle" was bit AGAIN in his neck and shoulder. Worse bit than Hunter-------there was already a small abscess that had formed.


He required surgery also and is now recovering. It has been very difficult because he is so vocal. I can not walk away from him or he just howls and howls! I am at my wits end! Thank God I have a great vet who understands this predicament and will prescribe something to settle him down, especially at night just for the next few days when the stitches come out. Wonder if she can prescribe something for ME??? I need it too!   :-)



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