Sunday, August 29, 2010

End of Summer

It is hard to believe the summer is coming to a close. It is always this way in Wisconsin------just seems like summer arrived and then it is already over. It has been very hot this July and August. The cats continue to laze around the yard and garden in the heat. They are quite content to lie in the grass at night when it cools a bit. I am already thinking of when and how we will "winterize" the porch. It changes a little every year. The two-story heated house is loaned out to a neighbor who has a few cats that we have worked together to TNR (trap-neuter-return) so this gives us more space to configure the beds for the winter. I recently bought a new one I think they will like. I make sure every cat has a heated bed and also provide a couple that aren't heated for the cats who are warm enough with their coats. It is good to have enough "space" for them to walk around to prevent any tiffs. We won't close-up the porch until then end of September, so for now-----I guess I should just enjoy what's left of the nice weather. Winter will be here soon enough!
Monday, August 23, 2010

The Breakthroughs Continue!

As I was sitting in the yard tonight, after feeding the cats their "dinner", I observed Snow and Braveheart together as usual, nudging and grooming each other. Braveheart walked away to lie under one of the huge hosta plants in the garden. Then Snow walked up to Hunter and actually head-butted him and then touched noses with him! These are both good things in the world of cats------and it shows that after 8+ months, Hunter is finally beginning to be accepted by her. That is also a good thing because as we all know, Snow "rules the roost" so to speak. So if she accepts him, the others eventually will too. Now breaking through to the two boys in the group is still another matter. Most of the time, they tread lightly with Hunter-------they all try to stay out of each others' way.
Friday, August 20, 2010

Tidbits of the Week

For the first time Snow actually touched noses with me. This is a big deal! It requires a lot of trust.  Cats touch noses with each other as a sign of affection, acknowledgement and bonding. It has taken almost 5 years for this to happen so it feels very special.

The group has dragged home all types of "things" this week------the usual cicadas (yuk!), a dragonfly (I managed to rescue him) a and last night-----a mouse that was no bigger than the tip of my thumb. Hunter brought the mouse in his mouth. Just the tail hanging out (OMG), but of course the mouse was not dead. Hunter released the mouse and all the cats were chasing it around the porch. I usually try to intervene, but Hunter picked the mouse up in his mouth again and I thought, "OK, he's a gonner." Well, he wasn't. The cats continued this "activity" out on the front lawn for about an hour. (I know, I know-----the poor mouse.) Then I noticed they were back on the porch chasing something again. I could not believe it was still the same mouse and he was still alive! He was backed into a corner behind the floor lamp where the cats couldn't get him and appeared in tack. So, I went to work----I managed to capture the mouse in a towel and deposited him in some bushes in the yard. I figured I give him another chance. I did not find any "surprises" this morning, so maybe he made it!

Today as I was preparing the dinner for the cats, Kibble and Hunter were in the kitchen with me. Usually there is animosity between these two as Kibble wants to be the only cat in the house. But today, she went over to Hunter while he was lying on the kitchen floor and began smelling him. I have seen this before, but then------- she began grooming him on the head! I almost fell over. She licked him and licked him, and he moved his head closer and squinted his eyes------a true sign of relaxation. So I have hope that these two will maybe eventually form somewhat of a bond. That would be nice for both of them.
Friday, August 13, 2010

Meet The Cats: Hunter


Hunter is the most recent addition to our cat family. He is a beautiful cat-----lynx-point Siamese with blue, crossed eyes. He is named for the 1960's actor, Jeffrey Hunter who portrayed Jesus in the film "Jesus of Nazareth."Jeffrey had amazingly blue eyes so we thought the name fit. Hunter began coming around the yard last winter, about Christmas time. He often showed up with another cat, Luna, who is no longer with us (another story for another day). Hunter seemed somewhat friendly, but guarded and the other cats were not thrilled to have another cat about. But in January when our boy Caruso died (yet another story), Hunter began to work his way into the spot Caruso had filled. It is as if Caruso had actually posted a "vacancy" sign on his way over the Rainbow Bridge (Rainbow Bridge Poem) so Hunter would know he could take Caruso's spot. And as the time passed, Hunter became friendlier and friendlier, allowing me and Marty to pet him and hold him. As we have gotten to know him, we have found he is very much like Caruso and we wonder if the two are from the same litter or same mother. Hunter is a voracious eater------loves to eat, eat, eat!! (not entirely unusual for a cat who has lived on the street) He also likes to come into the house and kind of take over, often sleeping wherever he wants in great comfort.
Because he is so affectionate, he has wormed his way into our hearts quickly. He is a great cat to play with. He loves the wand toys, crouching, creeping, running across the room and leaping on whatever toy I have. He gets so rambunctious, that he has gone sliding across the wood floor and run into the wall or furniture. Now we have to make sure he plays on a rug so he does not hurt himself!

Hunter has had some breathing problems-----the vet and I suspect asthma, but it is difficult to be definitive without costly testing. However, the vet has seen a video of one of his "attacks" and also knows I took him to the animal ER once for breathing problems. She agrees his symptoms suggest asthma. She has also agreed to prescribe a small dose of prednisone for him on a daily basis and it has had a dramatic impact on his overall health. He has not had one serious "attack" since starting the medication and his breathing is not very audible anymore. I do listen for signs of difficult breathing and have at time slowed down his play if he is getting too winded, but I must say the medication has made him so much more comfortable. In people, prednisone has very significant side effects as it is a steriod, but in cats it does not act the same way. The drug does not cause the same side effects so it is pretty safe to use on a long term basis. If you suspect your cat has asthma, there is a good site to check-out: .You can learn a lot about how the illness looks in cats and what you can do to manage it. (You can even use inhalers!!) Also----if you suspect asthma------take your cat to your vet for a check-up so he or she can be properly treated!!

Good night!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meet the Cats: Jingle


Jingle is my Tuxedo boy. He is from the second litter that Snow had. He has a beautiful, soft, silky coat, with a beautiful, furry tail, that somehow stays untangled, and-------he has big round eyes. He is my most photo-genic cat. For some reason, he just knows how to strike a pose-----don't you agree? He is truly an outdoor cat. Not that he isn't interested in the house-----he does like to come in for short explorations, but he definitely prefers to be outdoors, even in the cold weather. It is not unusual to see him out in the sun on a cold winter day. Of course, he also enjoys having a warm porch and heated bed to sleep in. He is a loving cat and often vocalizes to me. He also really enjoys playing in the yard when I bring out any of the "wand" toys that I have for them.

He is very close to Snow and Braveheart, constantly swishing and head-butting them. He will also do this with me, especially when I am out in the yard. He will follow me all around sometimes and meow and swish against me. He loves having his head and neck scratched. Jingle was very close to "Fuzzywig" as well. When I was trapping the second litter, two of the kittens were suitable for adoption, so when I brought Jingle home......the only family he had left was his mother, Snow. Snow was beginning to separate from him as he was getting older and it was time for him to go off on his own in her mind. I remember looking out the window at him, all alone once, and being struck with profound sadness that I had taken away his family. It was at this time that Fuzzywig came to our yard. He and Jingle were about the same age and so they bonded immediately. I was so happy about that. I know he is feeling a bit lost now without Fuzzywig, so I have been trying to give him extra attention.

Of all the cats he also has been the most "vetted" cat. Lucky him. There are several stories to tell about that-------but those are for another day.

Wide-eyed Jingle

Bugs, bugs bugs!!!

It happens every year-----in July and August we get these large, black bugs in and around the yard. We have always called them "heat bugs" because you hear their buzzing during the heat of the day. They are God awful, ugly! Think of a fly that is 2 inches long----yuck. Anyway, Kibble, the "princess diva" is a master bug catcher. She stalks them, watches them, catches them and of course----brings them home to me. Sometimes they are dead, and sometimes they are not. The fun is in playing with them-----batting them around and jumping at them if they fly. All the cats will gather around the bug for the entertainment. It is the one time I don't see any conflict among them. They are all focused on the bug! The heat bugs are the sloths of the bug world------very slow moving. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if they are even alive or not because they are so inactive. I have observed Kibble sit under a tree watching a bug until she finds an opportunity to nab it. This morning when I went out to the porch------there were three of these bugs. Two dead, one alive. I do the right thing and herd the living ones off the porch (even though they give me the creeps!). The smart ones fly away. The other ones------well, they just may find themselves back on the porch for another round of play.


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