Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meet the Cats: Jingle


Jingle is my Tuxedo boy. He is from the second litter that Snow had. He has a beautiful, soft, silky coat, with a beautiful, furry tail, that somehow stays untangled, and-------he has big round eyes. He is my most photo-genic cat. For some reason, he just knows how to strike a pose-----don't you agree? He is truly an outdoor cat. Not that he isn't interested in the house-----he does like to come in for short explorations, but he definitely prefers to be outdoors, even in the cold weather. It is not unusual to see him out in the sun on a cold winter day. Of course, he also enjoys having a warm porch and heated bed to sleep in. He is a loving cat and often vocalizes to me. He also really enjoys playing in the yard when I bring out any of the "wand" toys that I have for them.

He is very close to Snow and Braveheart, constantly swishing and head-butting them. He will also do this with me, especially when I am out in the yard. He will follow me all around sometimes and meow and swish against me. He loves having his head and neck scratched. Jingle was very close to "Fuzzywig" as well. When I was trapping the second litter, two of the kittens were suitable for adoption, so when I brought Jingle home......the only family he had left was his mother, Snow. Snow was beginning to separate from him as he was getting older and it was time for him to go off on his own in her mind. I remember looking out the window at him, all alone once, and being struck with profound sadness that I had taken away his family. It was at this time that Fuzzywig came to our yard. He and Jingle were about the same age and so they bonded immediately. I was so happy about that. I know he is feeling a bit lost now without Fuzzywig, so I have been trying to give him extra attention.

Of all the cats he also has been the most "vetted" cat. Lucky him. There are several stories to tell about that-------but those are for another day.

Wide-eyed Jingle



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