Friday, August 20, 2010

Tidbits of the Week

For the first time Snow actually touched noses with me. This is a big deal! It requires a lot of trust.  Cats touch noses with each other as a sign of affection, acknowledgement and bonding. It has taken almost 5 years for this to happen so it feels very special.

The group has dragged home all types of "things" this week------the usual cicadas (yuk!), a dragonfly (I managed to rescue him) a and last night-----a mouse that was no bigger than the tip of my thumb. Hunter brought the mouse in his mouth. Just the tail hanging out (OMG), but of course the mouse was not dead. Hunter released the mouse and all the cats were chasing it around the porch. I usually try to intervene, but Hunter picked the mouse up in his mouth again and I thought, "OK, he's a gonner." Well, he wasn't. The cats continued this "activity" out on the front lawn for about an hour. (I know, I know-----the poor mouse.) Then I noticed they were back on the porch chasing something again. I could not believe it was still the same mouse and he was still alive! He was backed into a corner behind the floor lamp where the cats couldn't get him and appeared in tack. So, I went to work----I managed to capture the mouse in a towel and deposited him in some bushes in the yard. I figured I give him another chance. I did not find any "surprises" this morning, so maybe he made it!

Today as I was preparing the dinner for the cats, Kibble and Hunter were in the kitchen with me. Usually there is animosity between these two as Kibble wants to be the only cat in the house. But today, she went over to Hunter while he was lying on the kitchen floor and began smelling him. I have seen this before, but then------- she began grooming him on the head! I almost fell over. She licked him and licked him, and he moved his head closer and squinted his eyes------a true sign of relaxation. So I have hope that these two will maybe eventually form somewhat of a bond. That would be nice for both of them.



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