Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fight Tonight!

Tonight is one of those times you don't like being a community cat caregiver-------Jingle was in a fight tonight. Even though he is neutered and really is a sweet cat overall, he is fiercely territorial and will readily clash with any intruder. There is a cat in the neighborhood named "Blackie"-----yes, of course he is black! He technically belongs to my friend and neighbor's colony down the block, but he was trapped and neutered by us before we even knew that. We had given him the name of "Bits"------you know----that way we would have a "Kibble" and "Bits" like the food.(ha, ha) Anyway, for some reason this cat brings out the worst in Jingle and they have gotten into many conflicts.

Tonight I heard this terrible howling from the front of the house. When I went out to investigate, I saw Jingle but could not see the other cat who was under a fir tree on the corner of the house. I was clapping my hands and yelling, to try to break-up what was going on to no avail. Suddenly, Jingle dove under the tree and a moment later he and the other cat were howling, clawing and rolling around in the plants and mud out front. I could not really see the other cat well because it was so dark, but I think it was Blackie. Normally, I would try to intervene physically myself, but they were going at it fiercely and I was afraid of getting in their way. (I have been bitten before and gone through the whole rabies thing------that's another story.)

Finally, the other cat took off and Jingle went reeling after him-----around the corner of the block. I was petrified that this chase would lead them out into the street and there were cars coming in both directions. For a moment my heart sank as the ramifications of that hit me, but thank God both cats careened around the corner and down the block into a neighbor's yard. I looked for Jingle and called him, but got no response. About 10 minutes later, I saw him in the yard. He was wet and muddy because it has been raining tonight, but he seemed OK. He was agitated------didn't want to be touched and parked himself right in front of the porch door as if to convey, "Nobody comes into my space without tangling with me."

I went about my normal clean-up on the porch and in the house, putting the food dishes up, picking-up cat toys and so on. When I finally went over to Jingle to calm and reassure him, I found he was bleeding on his left cheek. Now I do have a tendency to over-react where the cats are concerned (as my husband will tell you) so I stayed calm and tried to get a look at it. Jingle was not cooperative at all. A few minutes later, he had blood on his ruff under his neck as well. I think (I hope) that is from the same spot on the cheek and most likely got there just from him moving around and perhaps trying to groom himself. I am not sure if it is a scratch or a bite. Of course, a bite is far worse-------infection can set in and the wound can abcess leading sometimes to surgery and drain tubes being placed--------I have been through that with several other cats and it is not pretty so I am truly praying that he has just been scratched. Thank goodness he is fully vaccinated against FIV (cat HIV), leukemia and rabies. All out door cats really should be, but especially males as they are more likely to fight. We are watching him tonight. So far Jingle seems OK------he was on the porch resting, but now has actively joined the other cats in pursuit ANOTHER mouse that Hunter brought home---------this is the third one in 24 hours!!!( I saved the other two, but I'm afraid this one is one his own!) So maybe he will be all right. Please say a prayer for him.........Thanks!



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